30-Day Waiting Period Waiver Form

There is a 30-day waiting period imposed between all failed certification attempts, so that candidates may take the time to properly prepare for their retake. If there is an emergency situation that would necessitate an exception to this policy, please fill out the following application and GIAC will consider your request. Please note that if your 30-day waiting period waiver request is approved, there is still a mandatory 14-day waiting period that applies to all GIAC candidates and cannot be waived.

GIAC has implemented this 30-day wait period to allow candidates time to prepare for their retake using the results of their exam attempt to identify areas in which they did not demonstrate mastery. It has been demonstrated that candidates who familiarize themselves with certification objectives through hands-on practice with associated labs and virtual machines have a better chance at success at subsequent exam attempts.

Please describe how you have prepared yourself for the retake and why you will not need the full 30 days between exam attempts.